The scuba diving club is situated at the entrance to Bonifacio, facing the petrol station and behind the Harbour Master’s office. The Bonifacio Plongée team welcomes you every day (Sundays included) from April to November.


Several explorations in the Nature Reserve of the Strait of Bonifacio are on offer, grouping a number of spots each more magical than the next.   Initiations and snorkelling outings are on offer every afternoon.

Dives are also organised by Bonifacio Plongée in the Nature Reserve of the Cerbicale islands with its partner, Kalliste Plongée welcoming you on the magnificent Palombaggia beach, 15 minutes from Porto-Vecchio.

FFESSM et SSI trainings also available.

What more can you ask for?

  • View : Mer
  • Environment : Bonifacio marina

Spoken languages

  • French

Why it’s nice !

  • Exploration dives of 2 sites
  • Snorkelling outing on site only accessible by boat
  • Partnership with the Kalliste Plongée club


Calculate my route

Comfort / services

Activities on the spot

  • Snorkeling rental

Additional information on services

  • from : 7 ans


    Of 15/05/2024 the 15/10/2024


Flyer Bonifacio Plongee